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Which Factors Influence the Effect of Deep Synthesized Video Propagation
Lixia MA, Jingjing WANG, Yiwei RU, Yunjie WEI
系统科学与信息学报(英文), 2024, 12(3): 393-411.   DOI: 10.21078/JSSI-2023-0017

Subjective Variables Illustration
Visual Quality Refers to the overall appearance of the deepfake video, including clarity and the balance of color. High-quality deepfake should exhibit minimal artifact, noise, or distortion (high or low).
The Area of the Publisher Determine the area where the forgery subject is located by language and video background.
Content Consistency High-quality deepfake should keep the look, lighting, and style consistent throughout the video. Inconsistencies, such as sudden changes in skin color or facial features, may indicate poor quality.
Time Coherence Refers to the fluency and continuity of the movement. A good deepfake shouldshow smooth movement without any lag, flicker, or sudden jump.
Audio-Visual Synchronization Refers to the alignment of the audio and video components in the deepfake. Voice, sound effects, and other audio elements should be accurately synchronized with the corresponding visual prompts (such as mouth movements and facial expressions).
Context Rationality Refers to whether the deepfake fits into the context of the surrounding. High-quality deepfake should not only look and sound convincing, but also make sense in the overall narrative or context.
Fraud form Currently, fake forms of deep synthetic video released on new media platforms (face reimplantation, face change, audio fraud and so on).
Table 1 Subjective evaluation indicators of data screening