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Which Factors Influence the Effect of Deep Synthesized Video Propagation
Lixia MA, Jingjing WANG, Yiwei RU, Yunjie WEI
系统科学与信息学报(英文), 2024, 12(3): 393-411.   DOI: 10.21078/JSSI-2023-0017

Type Variable Name Specify
Explained Variable Video likes According to the size of the value, the video likes are divided into five degrees: Low, general, medium, strong and very strong: low = 1, general = 2, medium = 3, strong = 4, very strong = 5
Video views According to the size of the value, the video playback volume is divided into five degrees: Low, general, medium, strong and very strong: low = 1, general = 2, medium = 3, strong = 4, very strong = 5
Explanatory Variable Video type Entertainment = 1; non-entertainment = 0
Video duration The natural log of the uniform seconds
Publisher influence The natural log of the total playback of the published video
Forms of fraud Face change = 1; non-face change = 0
Video clarity Above 1080P = 1; below 720P = 0
Video fidelity From low to high assignment of $1\sim5$
Table 2 Description of the variables