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Which Factors Influence the Effect of Deep Synthesized Video Propagation
Lixia MA, Jingjing WANG, Yiwei RU, Yunjie WEI
系统科学与信息学报(英文), 2024, 12(3): 393-411.   DOI: 10.21078/JSSI-2023-0017

Variable Name Deep Synthesized Video Ordinary Video
Mean Standard Deviation Least Most Mean Standard Deviation Least Most
Views (times) 128479.000 1597507.000 1.000 39553709.000 12170976.000 1697014.370 8.000 1378705743.000
Likes (times) 1977.409 21159.570 0.000 600353.000 215365.700 841377.800 0.000 12390000.000
Description of the title 0.002 0.045 0.000 1.000 0.009 0.093 0.000 1.000
Video type 0.810 0.010 0.000 1.000 0.156 0.363 0.000 1.000
Video duration (seconds) 37.565 45.871 2.000 238.000 121.899 71.071 8.000 239.000
Total view amount of videos posted by publisher (times) 57854122.740 689816045.500 37.000 17774778161.000 8830516181.000 34273523832.000 16753.000 207316000000.000
Forms of fraud 0.799 0.401 0.000 1.000
Video clarity 0.355 0.479 0.000 1.000 0.873 0.333 0.000 1.000
Video fidelity 3.601 1.059 1.000 5.000
Table 3 Descriptive analysis