
图/表 详细信息

Which Factors Influence the Effect of Deep Synthesized Video Propagation
Lixia MA, Jingjing WANG, Yiwei RU, Yunjie WEI
系统科学与信息学报(英文), 2024, 12(3): 393-411.   DOI: 10.21078/JSSI-2023-0017

Variable Name Full-model Regression AIC BIC
Cut-off term 1 / 2 1.603*** 1.599*** 1.603***
Cut-off term is 2 / 3 2.655*** 2.651*** 2.655***
Cut-off term is 3 / 4 3.144*** 3.140*** 3.144***
Cut-off term of 4 / 5 4.190*** 4.185*** 4.190***
Video type 1.070*** 1.056*** 1.070***
Log video duration 0.116*** 0.125*** 0.116***
Video clarity 0.049 0.049
Total number of videos played by log-publishers 0.162*** 0.163*** 0.162***
Forms of fraud 0.300*** 0.283*** 0.300***
Video realism $-$0.101*** $-$0.102*** $-$0.101***
Global test of the model The $P$-values are less than 0.001 The $P$-values are less than 0.001 The $P$-values are less than 0.001
Table 5 Stepwise regression model with deep synthesized video likes as the dependent variable