Impact of Repatriate's Knowledge Transfer on Enterprise Performance: The Mediating Effect of Ambidexterity Innovation

Juanru WANG, Baolin LI

Journal of Systems Science and Information ›› 2016, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 56-67.

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Journal of Systems Science and Information ›› 2016, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 56-67.

Impact of Repatriate's Knowledge Transfer on Enterprise Performance: The Mediating Effect of Ambidexterity Innovation

  • Juanru WANG1, Baolin LI1,2
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This paper proposes that repatriate's knowledge transfer is composed of two dimensions: Explicit knowledge transfer and tacit knowledge transfer. The influencing of repatriate's knowledge transfer on enterprise performance is discussed, and the mediating role of ambidexterity innovation in the above relationships is analyzed. Then, relative assumptions are put forward, and theoretical model is established. Lastly, 156 multinational corporations are selected as study object, and data are collected, bias analysis, descriptive statistic analysis and hierarchical regression analysis are made. The conclusions are got, which are explicit knowledge transfer and tacit knowledge transfer have significant positive effect on exploitative innovation and exploratory innovation, respectively; and explicit knowledge transfer has more effect on exploitative innovation, while tacit knowledge transfer has more effect on exploratory innovation. The findings also indicate that exploitative innovation and exploratory innovation play partial mediation effect on the relationship between explicit knowledge transfer, tacit knowledge transfer and enterprise performance.

Key words

repatriate / knowledge transfer / enterprise performance / ambidexterity innovation

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Juanru WANG, Baolin LI. Impact of Repatriate's Knowledge Transfer on Enterprise Performance: The Mediating Effect of Ambidexterity Innovation. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2016, 4(1): 56-67


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Supported by National Natural Scientific Foundation (71371154), Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education (15YJA630085), Shaanxi University Humanities and Social Science Talent Plan (2014), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (3102015BJ(II)SL005)

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