
About Journal

Journal of Systems Science and Information (JSSI) is bimonthly, a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal that focuses on systems science and systems engineering, management science, and information science.

Sponsored by:  Systems Engineering Society of China & Science Press

Edited by: Editorial Office of JSSI & Science Press 

Editors-in-Chief: Shouyang Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

                             Yongmiao Hong, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Publication model: Subscription

Fees: This journal does not charge any fee for manuscript processing. The expenses associated with the overall journal operations, publishing and printing, mailing and shipping, website maintenance, etc. are supported by: Systems Engineering Society of China, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and subscription revenue.

As mentioned in our Publication Ethics page, all the articles submitted to JSSI (including the articles submitted to our special issues) will be reviewed by at least two parallel experts. On the premise the manuscript has no interest contradiction and conflict with editors, the decision will be made by at least two valid reviews, and the final result must to ensure objectivity and impartiality.

Peer Review Process

The scientific editors of JSSI evaluate each submission and those manuscripts that warrant further consideration for publication are sent out for in-depth peer review by external reviewers. 

Peer review

JSSI operates under a single-blind peer review process. This means that editors and reviewers know the identity of the authors, however, the authors do not know the identity of the editors or reviewers. The reviewers’ identifies are also kept anonymous from each other.

When a manuscript is submitted to JSSI, it first goes through a technical check by the editorial office. This ensures all necessary items are included in the submission prior to sending to a scientific editor for evaluation. If the scientific editor deems the manuscript worthy of full peer review, the scientific editor will then send the manuscript out for in-depth peer review by external reviewers.

A decision can be made at any point in the evaluation process to reject the manuscript, whether this be without review, or with one review. The final decision on every manuscript is made by a scientific editor.


The submitted manuscript is a privileged communication and must be treated as a confidential document. Reviewers should destroy all copies of the manuscript after review and not share the manuscript with any colleagues without the explicit permission of the editor. Reviewers should not make personal or professional use of the data or interpretations before publication without the authors’ specific permission (unless they are invited to write an editorial or commentary to accompany the article).

Conflicts of interest

If a reviewer cannot judge a paper impartially, they should not accept the invitation to review it. If a reviewer has any professional, personal, or financial affiliations that are or even may be perceived as a conflict of interest in reviewing the manuscript, they should not accept the invitation for review, or, if this conflict of interest is uncovered after seeing the full manuscript materials, they should recuse themselves immediately and fully inform the journal editors. If there is an aspect of a manuscript that a reviewer does not feel they are qualified to evaluate, they should inform the editor.

If the manuscript’s author is an editor, it will be assigned to another, independent editor for evaluation. It must also meet the same criteria for evaluation as all other manuscripts.

Special Issue Process

Manuscripts submitted as part of a special issue may be assigned to a guest scientific editor instead of a member of the editorial board to manage the peer review process. A guest editor is an expert in a sub-topic who is invited by an Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the editorial board, to provide specialized leadership for a particular special issue. Articles published in a special issue must adhere to the same evaluation criteria and publication ethics as a regular article published in the journal. The peer review process for a special issue manuscript also follows the same peer review process as a regular manuscript submitted to the journal. For example, when a special issue manuscript is submitted, it first goes through a technical check by the editorial office before it is assigned to an editor or guest editor to evaluate it and select external peer reviewers. If the manuscript’s author is an editor or guest editor, it will be assigned to another, independent editor or guest editor and it must meet the same criteria for evaluation as all other manuscripts.

This journal aims to provide a platform for sharing new developments in the research fields of systems science and management science and promotes applications of these cutting-edge theories and methods to real world. Topics covered by this journal include but not limited to the following list:

Systems Science and Systems Engineering

  • Fundamental theories of systems science
  • Applications of systems theories
  • System dynamics
  • System modeling and Simulation
  • System evaluation
  • Agent-based simulation

Management Science

  • Theories and applications of management science
  • Operation research
  • Decision science
  • Project management
  • Crisis management
  • Enterprise operations management
  • Financial management
  • Knowledge management
  • Human resources management
  • Technology management and technology innovation
  • Service management
  • Public management
  • Macro-finance management
  • Government management
  • Sustainability management
  • Business administration
  • Operations management
  • Logistics and supply chain management


  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Quantitative economics
  • Econometrics
  • Regional economics
  • Energy economics
  • Technical economics


  • Financial engineering
  • Risk management
  • Quantitative finance
  • Financial market

Modeling Technique

  • Econometric models
  • Time series models
  • Artificial neural networks
  • Evolutionary algorithms
  • Swarm intelligence
  • Rough sets and fuzzy systems
  • Kernel based learning and SVM
  • Bayesian models

Forecasting Science

  • Forecasting theories and applications
  • Ensemble forecasting
  • Judgment forecasting
  • Combination forecasting
  • Industry data modeling and prediction: energy, real estate, non-ferrous metal, logistic, etc.
  • Macroeconomic and financial forecasting

Information Science and Information Technology

  • Theories and applications of information science
  • Management information system
  • Decision support system
  • Forecasting support system   
  • Information technology
  • Information management
  • E-commerce  

Chinese Pos 80-329

Pubdate: 2012-12-26    Viewed: 42533