

special issue-data elements circulation

Deadline for paper submission: July 31, 2024

Call for papers

Guest editors:

Dong Xuefan, Beijing University of Technology

Du Donglei, University of New Brunswick

Li Jian, Beijing University of Technology

Tian Yingjie, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Data elements are fundamental resources, important productive forces, and new key production factors in the digital economy era. Data element circulation refers to the process of data collection, storage, processing, transmission, and application in different stages, in order to achieve efficient sharing and interoperability of data. Data element circulation is an important strategic engine driving the integration and development of the digital economy and the real economy. It is a crucial means for sustaining the continuous operation of digital government, unlocking the social value, and market potential of government public data. It serves as an accelerator for the innovation in digital products and services. Governments, industry and academia all over the world have been paying close attention to the theory, application and development of data element circulation, mainly focusing on the foundational theory of data element circulation, market mechanisms for data element commodification, basic characteristics and confirmation methods of data elements, risk governance of data element circulation, technology for the protection of data element rights, and governance of data element circulation. Relevant technological and model innovations continue to emerge. Typical application scenarios of data element circulation include finance, transportation, internet of things, healthcare, logistics, public welfare, emergency management, education, marketing, and so on.

Journal of Systems Science and Information (JSSI) (ISSN 1478-9906, CN10-1192/N) is a multi-disciplinary journal that focuses on systems science and systems engineering, management science, and information science. This journal aims to provide a platform for sharing new developments in the research fields of systems science and management science and promotes applications of these cutting-edge theories and methods to real world.

In order to discuss the latest research progress of data element circulation, as well as its related theory, methodology, and applications, JSSI prepares this call for a special issue, aiming to collect the latest research results on development, theoretical foundations, methodological innovations, and practical applications of data element circulation in different fields, shedding light on their significance in contemporary research.

     Experts and scholars in related fields are welcome to contribute!

01 Special issue

Data element circulation: Theory, Methodology, and Applications

02 Specific topics

Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to:

  • Theoretical research on data element circulation
  • Ontological frameworks for data element circulation
  • Data element privacy-preserving techniques
  • Data element credibility assessment methods
  • Governance and regulation of data element circulation
  • Risk management in data element circulation
  • Data element ownership confirmation methods
  • Data element circulation from the game theory perspective
  • Incentive mechanisms for data element circulation
  • Data elements circulation in finance, internet of things, supply chain management, logistics, emergency management, healthcare, transportation, marketing, government administration, education, and tourism etc.

03 Important dates

July 31, 2024——submission deadline

December 25, 2024——date of publication

Pubdate: 2023-11-14    Viewed: 1086